Saturday, September 3, 2011

I love the 90's

When I think of my childhood I just think of all the fun I had. Where the biggest concern in life is which trail we'd pick to ride our bikes and who's house we were staying at that night. A time where playing the same games over and over never got old and boredom only existed when we were grounded. I remember staying out all day, and most of the early night not coming home until our parents grew hoarse from calling out our names from porches.

I loved the 90's. The music, full of pop princesses and boy bands that covered my bedroom walls. The shows that I can remember vividly to this day. How great is it that Nick brought back the old shows (All That, Keanan & Kel, Clarissa Explains it All)?

The neighborhood kids raised each other. Our parents all worked, so we often were left to our own devices once we got home from school.  At the time I felt proud and thought I was responsible to be able to be home alone. But things like that made me grow up fast. I had to teach myself to care for myself, and my brother.

But there was good moments. I miss the simple things like the summer nights where my dad and I would play board games, and when my mom and I used to get along and were close. I miss being able to make spontaneous plans with friends, the days before college and work took over our lives. It's funny how, as children, we play games like 'house' and 'school', but as adults we just want to be children again. Without responsibilities, or bills, or deadlines. A time where the top priority was to make sure we had fun.

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