Thursday, September 8, 2011


I'm only a few minutes late! Huge apologies...major work load this semester plus procrastination equals no time to do anything else, it's a major problem, but today I took a personal day which means 1) I skipped all my classes, and 2) I spent the whole day watching Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.  And who is a more perfect specimen to examine shallowness than the utterly shallow but thoroughly enjoyable Cordelia Chase. 

She's so shallow.  Look at the shallowness in her eyes. 

Cordelia was at the typical mean girl at school, overly obsessed with clothing and way other people dressed, only with boys who played football, and she would never look twice at a nerd like Xander (one of Buffy's best friends who happens to be a "major loser").  But like with every high school-themed television show, the shallow girl gets her redemption, she develops, her shallowness isn't just shallowness, which makes the audience dislike her completely.  She's actually one of my favorite characters now, and whenever she appears, her superficiality is actually one of the most refreshing parts of the show. 

I don't believe anyone can truly be shallow, unless they're a spineless dumbwit with the social maturity of a blueberry scone.  Human beings are human beings because we're so deep, that's what separates us from things like a lamprey or a squirrel.  Have you ever noticed that people who pretend to be shallow in order to be funny or something are actually super deep, thoughtful people? My friend Kat always says she's superficial and fussy and girly and prissy like Cordelia Chase, but she's actually quite not.  When her bunny died, she became this stoic, super strong pillar of strength for the rest of her family.  She is my inspiration for when disaster strikes.  Could a truly shallow person do that?

So the next time you think you think someone is shallow, watch them for a bit....they probably aren't.  You're just not in the right situation to view them when they're not being shallow, irritating and distracting like that girl in my Advanced Writing class who sits next me to spells like something I suspect is marijuana and is always shopping online and constantly distracting me during class....:)

has everyone started school like me?

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