Monday, June 27, 2011

The Balanced Rooster

Libra/Yin Water Rooster (Poster from Cafe Press)

When I checked the blog on Friday to get an idea about what we would be covering this week, I 
found myself with a dilemma – zodiac signs. Should I write about the Western Zodiac? The Astrological signs that we look at so often? Or should I instead consider the Chinese Zodiac that doesn’t jump to mind at first? Well, naturally, I couldn’t decide. You see, I’m a Libra, which makes decisions very difficult on the occasion, in fact, I often find myself using the old adage ‘eeny, meany, miney, moe’ to make decisions and use a system after that to make my final choice. Instead of doing it this time, I decided I would simply talk about both of my signs because those two halves really do come together to make me whole. I'm a Libran Rooster and this is my personality in a nutshell:

The Water Rooster (1993)

The Good:
Forthright, brave, enthusiastic, loyal, hardworking, tenacious, resilient, adventurous, meticulous, prompt, astute, well-dressed, proficient, down to earth, gregarious, communicative, sensible, generous, charming, ebullient, witty, trustworthy, analytical, and loving.

                    The Bad:
Cranky, fussy, vain, self-involved, blindly egotistical, over-zealous, pretentious, materialistic, grabby, high-handed, cynical, mercurial, self-absorbed, proud, quixotic, day-dreamers, shy, moody, boastful, and resentful.

Famous Roosters: Michael Caine, Errol Flynn, Eric Clapton, Richard Harris, Van Morrison, Willie Nelson, Katherine Hepburn, Yoko Ono.

Libra: The Scales (September 24-October23)
                  The Good:
                             Diplomatic, generous, peaceful, graceful, idealistic, hospitable, neat, enjoys volunteer work, charming, tactful, fair-minded, classy, loyal, empathetic, good listener, intelligent, creative.
                  The Bad:
                             Superficial, vain, indecisive, unreliable, wishy-washy, gullible, flirtatious, self-indulgent, narcissistic, bossy, a perfectionist, desires to be liked, insecure, pays an extreme amount of attention to detail.

Famous Libras: T.S. Elliot, Mahatma Gandhi, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Desmond Tutu, John Lennon, Eleanor Roosevelt, John Mellencamp, Sigourney Weaver, David Lee Roth, Dwight D. Eisenhower, E.E. Cummings, Magaret Thatcher, Oscar Wilde, John Lithgow, Franz Liszt. 

The two phrases I found that truly sum up a Rooster/Libran personality mix is that of “I balance. I overcome.” Both phrases are incredibly true for me. As I looked at everything, I found myself wondering what a blend of a Rooster and Libra would be like and this is what I came up from various articles on the lovely internet.

Libran Roosters are exceptionally eloquent, yet often fear that they may have offended, which usually proves to be the exact opposite because of the natural charisma that we apparently possess (toots own horn a little bit more). We’re sociable beings who enjoy being surrounded by other people and love talking, though, because of this combination, we’re very good at communication. Alas, if we become nervous, we begin to babble and our words run together becoming a mess and causing us to look foolish as we grow quicker and louder when our nerves don’t immediately subside (this I can vouch for all too much!).

We’re still a lovely blend of contradictions obviously enough, we may enjoy talking your ear off, but we like to listen as well and are quite adept at offering a shoulder to cry upon due to the natural empathy that we possess. We speak at acceptable times, when we know our voices are needed, versus bursting into conversation blindly and with little tact. We make friends readily, we’re loyal and devoted to those we care about and would go to the ends of the earth to make them happy.

We aren’t thrilled with doing work that doesn’t involve other people. We’d much rather take a job where we can openly interact with others than do manual labour and toil at a grind day in and day out. We’re quite artistic, though being as practical as we are, we usually enjoy keeping our artistic endeavors a hobby versus a career unless the opportunity presents itself and proves worthwhile.

We’re commitment-phobes normally. We typically don’t go full out for someone right away, instead, we’re emotionally reserved and prefer to put up walls, distancing ourselves from personal and romantic relationships. Those who we do become close with, which happens over time, we become loyal to. And those to whom we say, “I love you” should know that they never have to fear us straying for we are intensely loyal and mean it with every fiber of our being.

According to Suzanne White’s book, The New Astrology a Unique Synthesis of the World’s Two Great Astrological Systems: The Chinese and Western, the Libra balances out the Rooster’s tendency to overreact, while the Rooster motivates the Libra into action; Libran Roosters have few regrets and roll with the punches that life sends at them with a certain skill that most do not possess.

We’re quietly smart in a 'know it all' fashion and we’re rather cocky, though we balance it with a relaxed air, mild-manners, and the fact that we never seem to have a problem with anyone in particular. We've a particular air about us that just comes off as being calm and charming. Generally, we’re fairly well-liked by our peers for various reasons and tend to make good partners.

When I look at all of that, I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty shocked about how well that fits me. I've always wondered how it's possible that zodiacs can fit a person so well. And now that I know there is a way to pair the two together, I can't help but be even more surprised due to the fact that they blend so well and create such a perfect balance between each of the signs which are normally quite the extreme of being far too lazy or far too outspoken. Instead, the two signs make a person that's likeable and a blend of the positives that compliment one another ultimately making them the sort of person you want to be around (apparently anyway). 

I think that's what gets me most, out of all of this, that the two signs are a perfect blend for each other. But, then again, the Libra's symbol is the scales....

Now that I’ve finished tooting my horn to you about how wonderful my particular zodiacal pairing is, I shall go have a shower and make myself breakfast. :) I hope that I’ve been informative. Many of the cons posted above are quite similar to the bad behaviours I possess in case you were wondering what our bad qualities are. :$

Hope everyone has a nice week!
Vicki xx


  1. I liked this post. And I like the "I balance. I overcome." =] Great job, Vicki!

  2. @ Steph: Thanks! I really liked that as well when I stumbled across it :)

    @Tracey: Thank you!

    I loved both of yours as well!
