Friday, August 12, 2011

I heart drama

My definition… 

As an aspiring actress, I see drama [drah-muh] as it is defined in the dictionary…A work to be performed by actors on stage, radio, or in movies and television; play. Unfortunately drama has evolved into something less about creativity and more about…well, I looked it up on urban dictionary to give you the modern definition ;) 

According to "urbandictionary"…

A way of relating to the world in which a person consistently overreacts to or greatly exaggerates the importance of benign events. 

Typically "drama" is used by people who are chronically bored or those who seek attention.

People who engage in "drama" will usually attempt to drag other people into their dramatic state, as a way of gaining attention or making their own lives more exciting.

Common warning signs/ risk factors of drama or a dramatic person are:

1. Having one supposedly serious problem after another.

2. Constantly telling other people about one's problems.

3. Extreme emotionality or frequently shifting, intense emotions.

4. Claiming to have experienced negative events that are highly implausible.

5. A boring job or mundane life.

6. Making claims without sufficient evidence or a lack of detail about supposedly serious events.

7. A pattern of irrational behavior and reactions to everyday problems.

What it really boils down to is this: 

Everyone complains about it but of course there is bound to be drama! It is simply a part of human nature. Here's what I think: use the drama to fuel your creativity. Write, act, photograph, dance, sing, draw, do absolutely anything! Every emotion can be used to your benefit. The next time you're upset about some ridiculous rumor or in a fight with your best friend, paint in a style you've never tried before, try using a new lens on your camera, choreograph a dance to a style of music you've never used before, write a story based on what you are feeling, do something…anything…except mope and complain about how much you "hate the drama." Own it.

In closing...

So now you see why "I heart drama." I am nothing if not the creative type, and when ever I feel like I'm getting sucked in by a fight or gossip or boys, I do something constructive and creative with those emotions. Hope you'll all do the same! :) 

xoxo Mel


  1. Mel,

    You just described to a tee a lady I work with, how funny! But your absolutely right, this is a great way to use that negativity towards something positive. Thanks and keep it coming!

  2. This is a great way of looking at it!

  3. This is an awesome post and everybody should take your advice about turning the negative into a positive!
