Saturday, August 27, 2011

Who's got lady-balls?

As a little girl, I always wanted to be the ballsy one. I was out there with the boys playing army, building forts, catching creatures- all while in a dress and mary-janes. I'm highly competitive and always wanted to prove I could be just as tough, if not tougher.

I idolized females who kicked butt. An avid little Power Rangers and Sailor Moon fan, I'd scoot right up the the TV screen watching them battle and fight the forces of evil. Not much has changed since. I still consume comics of femme fatales, anti-heroines, and super-heroines. My favorites being Catwoman, the Danger Girls, and Nikita.

Sorry for the short post. I've got a bit of a cold and we have a hurricane coming tomorrow to prepare for. D;
Good luck at school Éli~ I don't start my classes till Thurs.

<3 Tiff

1 comment:

  1. i was this way too!! always wanted to get down and dirty with the boys, sporty, fast, strong, etc. i envied strong females as well... all while being the girl that i am. haha

    sadly, i never really knew about the comic books and those types of things (although my brother did watch power rangers and i insisted for a while there that everyone call me kimberly - as i'm sure you know, is the pink one. haha)

    nice to have someone to relate to!
