Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sexuality and self-control


Ya know it's funny. I am a very sexual person. But when I found that this week's theme was going to be sexuality I drew a blank. What am I supposed to talk about? Because lately I have been having an hard time thinking about the relationship between love and sex.

I think the thing that stands out to me is that sex seems like an easy alternative. You don't to have love to have sex. You don't have to tell them anything about yourself really. But somehow you still give them part of you. While I am very sexual person I am also a very emotional person. Like I have said before I feel emotions very deeply. So while I may not want to be with someone I have sex with... I still feel something.

It's a bit of a fight inside between self-control and desire. Usually the powers of desire wins over on the want for self-control. Which is obviously something we all struggle with right. I mean in everyone's own way... there is some sort of desire whether is be sexual or otherwise that tends to overrule our common sense or self-control. No matter how good or bad one is for us... we still tend to run the other way from something so logical.

Like a lot of people have said last week. Life is full of drama. You can't really get away from it. Might as well let it ride. It is all part of life like Stephanie and I were saying today. So ultimately, I deal with my mistakes in the sexual department and move on. There is no reason to let any one thing get the best of you. There are many aspects of a person's personality that are neither good or bad.  Say for instance, my tendency to feel many emotions deeply. It isn't something I can change and it is really something I need to change.

So my relationship with sexuality is its own. It doesn't need to change. I don't think it is good or bad really. It's more about how you deal with the things you do than if you do them in my book.

Sorry this is so short. I am having a bit of writer's block. Have a great week all!

<3 Tracey