Saturday, July 23, 2011

Me, Myself, and I

I like to think of myself as a straightforward person. But the topic of the self was approached in class (a couple of semesters ago), in particular- multiple selves. No, not multiple personality disorder, but the way we present ourselves in different circumstances in front of different people.  For example, how you act towards an elder is not necessarily how you would act around your friends.  And another set of questions were proposed: "1) Who are you? 2) What are you? 3) What do you not let others see about you?" At first glance, we all thought, isn't #1 & #2 one in the same?  Such questions lead me to discover how I perceived myself. 

This exercise forced me to realize that I too often defined myself by accomplishments rather than character.  Too often people, including myself, define ourselves by our achievements or occupations. So, #2 surmises such self-definitions forcing us to look beyond titles and look closer at our character.  I was going through the motions, snatching up academic achievements- just doing what I was expected to do. I now know I have so much more value than 'Dean's List'. I have been able to change and grow as opposed to being 'stuck' on one path, now able to answer #1. As for #3, for me it's always been tied to the stresses of #2. I fear failure. and What is someone finds out that I'm not as certain as I appear to be? No one's perfect. It's pointless to strive for perfection as it doesn't exist. All I can do is grow at my own pace.

((Sorry for my absence last week. ^^; Work's been wicked hectic.))

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