Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's not all about me, me, me; or is it?

Many people think that when people only think about themselves is because they're selfish. I don't think that's always the case. Sure, there are those people in the world who are all me, me, me, me, me, oh yea and me. And they don't take a second to think of anyone else. I think it's okay to think about yourself. I mean you have to, right? Obviously, you think about the people you care about and your pets. That's how selfish-ness is different. Selfish-ness doesn't even think about they feel, what's more important, yada yada yada. But people who know their self-worth can balance that out. It's good to know your self-worth. It's good to have confidence. And more importantly it's good to have good self-esteem. Self-worth, confidence, and good self-esteem can all come hand in hand with one another. People who think about themselves and protect and fight for themselves has a sense of all three of those things. It's harder for some and easier for others but I think everyone and anyone is capable of it. As long as they don't ONLY think about themselves.

I've had some trouble in the past. With depression and other stuff, it's hard to get your mind in a place like that. I have depression and let me tell you, it's not easy to think about yourself. But I have gotten to the point (with the help of some medication) that I deserve the best that I can be and get. My self-esteem is getting better. And I have a sense of self-worth. I think it's important for people to know these things and work and improve on these things. It's healthy and normal to think about yourself. To improve yourself. To like yourself.

So go out there and get some confidence. Think about what makes you feel good and do it. Dare to dream. Overcome and conquer those fears or problems or addictions, whatever it is that keeps you from letting yourself care about yourself. I've been down that road, it's not pretty.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. wonderful post Steph! I definitely agree there is a difference between be conceited and be aware and caring about yourself. :)
